Monday, February 10, 2014

The beginning

Thanks so much for visiting my page. I am just beginning to try building a blog presence on the web. I already have several successful youtube videos that if you are interested you can find by searching for my channel; dutchessbrit. As it says in my about me section I love hiking, cooking, sewing (hoping to get an Etsy store filled with all of my favorite sewing items soon!) My goal for this blog is to keep all my followers updated on any new YouTube videos, recipes, Etsy items, and anything fun and interesting that I have found or am inspired by. Look for another post soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was wondering what happened to you. I have watched every video you have posted and you make it all look so easy. I sure hope you will be sharing more in the future. I hope life is treating you well and Blessings ♥
